I wish I had something in my house that looked as nice as this picture, but no . . .
However, I DID have a cornucopia in my dining room that, evidently, went the way of the dodo bird this morning. Continue reading “It’s a Cornucopia”
Living with an Early-onset Dementia Diagnosis
I wish I had something in my house that looked as nice as this picture, but no . . .
However, I DID have a cornucopia in my dining room that, evidently, went the way of the dodo bird this morning. Continue reading “It’s a Cornucopia”
The countdown is ON!
Do you have your turkey purchased? Most important question – is it out of the freezer and in the refrigerator to start thawing for Thursday? Continue reading “Turkeys, turkeys everywhere!”
We did it!
The Commissioners meeting went so well last night – and they approved the motion the hospital put before them . . . but we’re still A LONG WAY from the finish line. In fact, I think it’s safe to say we’ve just jumped the first hurdle. But we did it! Continue reading “Whew!”
This is it! The health system I work for is going to our County Commissioners tonight to ask them to apply for a loan from our state that will allow us to transition to a new model of health care over the next three years and, essentially, save health care in this county. Continue reading “Today’s the Day!”
I promise – this is NOT going to turn into a running blog!
But, I did actually get up AGAIN this morning and run. Shocking, right? Three sessions in a row. I was feeling so completely HORRIBLE yesterday that I wasn’t sure I was going to do it. Continue reading “Day Three – in the Books!”
Running shoes – purchased. And you’ll never believe it . . . they’re actually the brand and style I liked and used so many years ago. Saucony Hurricanes. I guess that tweaking they do every year came back around and they fixed the heel they messed up when I got annoyed with them. Continue reading “Mama’s Got a New Pair of Shoes”
I’ll admit it – as of yesterday afternoon, I had not applied to Social Security for M’s disability benefits. Continue reading “Complete Line 7A on Form 592-Z”
I may have already mentioned this, but one of my brothers recently told me about something he heard on a podcast. The speaker said that parents rank their children in the order in which they like them and this brother and I were trying to guess our ranking. With our dad, we’re all the same. He loves us and finds us all equally annoying. Continue reading “And We Laughed and Laughed!”
M did it again – he was supposed to go out to eat with my dad and his buddies again last night and he didn’t go. Then he doesn’t understand why I’m crabby when I get home and find him there. Continue reading “Order Up!”
Wow – yesterday was a tough day. And I spent nine hours of it at work – how tough could it really have been? Continue reading “Caregiver – Care for Yourself!”