Order Up!

M did it again – he was supposed to go out to eat with my dad and his buddies again last night and he didn’t go. Then he doesn’t understand why I’m crabby when I get home and find him there.

“What difference does it make? What’s the big deal? I’ll go next time.” Those are all the comments he makes.

He doesn’t understand that he sits there in that house – all by himself – except for the 20 minutes or so when he takes the dogs for a walk and I’m concerned that he needs social interaction. He thinks being with me is enough.

So much so that he and the dogs sit outside the bathroom door and wait for me to come out. Sigh.

I’m going to have to come up with something for him to do during the day. A volunteer gig or something that he HAS to do.

6 Replies to “Order Up!”

  1. I would guess that you are his security and when he’s away from you, he’s nervous and feeling insecure. I don’t know how he feels for sure, but I would guess that with increasingly deteriorating cognitive skills, uncertain social situations are confusing for him. Home is his safe place because nothing changes.

  2. Loving you both! You have such strength! This speaks for your love throughout your marriage. Stay as strong and patient as possible. Would love to be closer to help out ! Tell M we love him! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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