And We Laughed and Laughed!

I may have already mentioned this, but one of my brothers recently told me about something he heard on a podcast. The speaker said that parents rank their children in the order in which they like them and this brother and I were trying to guess our ranking. With our dad, we’re all the same. He loves us and finds us all equally annoying. But with our mom, it’s a different story. Of the five children, our youngest brother is number one – always. I will either be number two or number five, depending on what she needs or how I’ve looked at her most recently. And then the remaining three will fall into place depending on how I have risen or fallen on the scale.

Yesterday, we were going to my son and daughter-in-law’s house for dinner to celebrate our oldest grandson’s birthday. We were to be there by 6, so I needed everyone to be ready to go when I got home from work. My mom had asked to ride over with us and I called my dad to see if he wanted to ride, but he said he wanted to take his own car (in case he didn’t want to stay as long as we did) so he want to follow us.

As I got in my car leaving the office, I called M and asked him to feed the dogs and take them out to be ready, then I called my mom to tell her I was leaving work and for her to walk her dog so she would be ready to go. She informed me that she wanted to follow me in her car – so now I would have a parade of two people following me in their cars. I asked her if there was some reason she and dad couldn’t talk to each other about they’re plans and couldn’t ride together – because I have SO much free time to make all these phone calls between the two of them.

Well, of course – she got all defensive about it. She informed me that she could absolutely call him. But she was NOT going to ride with him.


Before I got home, she called me back to tell me that she was going to drive herself and I didn’t need to come by her house and get her.

Again – fine.

I picked up my dad – he ended up riding with us after all and we went to the party. Big surprise – my mother was about 30 minutes late and then left without speaking to M, my dad or me.

I texted my brother when I got home and said “I’m #5!” He said “At least you know where you stand.”

It will all work out . . . mom wants to ride with us to Tennessee to attend another sister-in-law’s graduation in December so she’s going to have to stop sulking and get over it if she still wants that to happen.

Yesterday, before I left for work, I grabbed M’s phone and texted (as him) two of his friends to try to schedule dinner out and a Saturday lunch and movie outing for him. Positive responses on the dinners and we had to make a phone number change on the movie (he had the wrong phone number in his contacts) so we’ll see.

Last night, as I was turning out the lights, he had the worst expression on this face! I asked him what was wrong & he said his knee hurt when he did like *this*. I said, “well, stop doing that.” Then we both got so tickled, we must have laughed for 10 minutes. I can’t think of the last time we laughed like that. It felt REALLY good!

9 Replies to “And We Laughed and Laughed!”

  1. Awwww, the laughing story made me smile for you.. Your Mother sounds like my Mom. She is the queen of guilt and judgment, although she dearly loves us. My Dad would love us equally, as well.

    1. Part of me wants to text her and ask how long she plans to sulk and another part wants to let her stew and see how long it takes. We’ll see what happens.

  2. I love the laughing part. Laughter is healing to your bones. I understand the guilt trips. I was always #2, my brother was #1 regardless of what stupid stunts he pulled. Yet, I was her caregiver for a long time.

  3. I love the laughing part. Laughter is healing to your bones. I understand the guilt trips. I was always #2, my brother was #1 regardless of what stupid stunts he pulled. Yet, I was her caregiver for a long time. I’m just trying to get this comment posted.

    1. One Thanksgiving, my youngest brother pulled up to the house and my mom said “my baby is here” despite the fact he’s a grown man. He doesn’t take advantage of it – I think it annoys him, but it’s always fun when she’s mad at me for something and I can say “wait a minute, the golden child is the one who suggested this.” THAT always stops the complaining!

  4. OMG our mothers must be sisters from another mister! I rise and fall in the ranking ( and there’s only two of us!!) depending on who brought her something most recently. Queens of guilt and judgment they are! Loved the laugh y’all

    1. Another example of things my mother does that I am bound and determined NOT to repeat! Yes, the laughs are few and far between, so I cherish them all the more!

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