Mama’s Got a New Pair of Shoes

Running shoes – purchased. And you’ll never believe it . . . they’re actually the brand and style I liked and used so many years ago. Saucony Hurricanes. I guess that tweaking they do every year came back around and they fixed the heel they messed up when I got annoyed with them.

I went out with them Saturday afternoon and did a 2.5 mile loop in my neighborhood, running for 30 seconds then walking for 2 minutes. Repeat until you get home. M came out with me, but he was “so cold” that he peeled off about half-way through and went home. It wasn’t THAT cold!

This morning we were up at 5 am (yes, we’re doing that again) and today I ran for one minute and walked for two around the loop. M rode his bike with me and again – he was SO COLD!! He was bundled up like we were on the Arctic tundra, but he still complained the whole time. I think, once I’m up and running the entire loop, I’m going to take the dogs and leave him in bed!

He did pretty well over the weekend, but did have a few times that he asked me nutty questions that had me looking at him twice. This morning he was emptying the dishwasher as I was heading out the door to work. He had finished the bottom rack and was starting on the top, and he asked me “Are these dishes clean?” Now, I could understand that if he had picked up a dish that was still dirty. But he was putting away water glasses – that’s about all we drink any more.

Then there was the issue with the turkey and ham for Thanksgiving. I bought a turkey breast and a spiral-sliced half-ham with our groceries on Saturday. I wanted M to put the turkey breast in the freezer of the garage fridge and the ham in the fridge of the garage fridge. He had the ham in one hand and the turkey breast in the other, and it was such a three-ring-circus . . . I finally had to say, “Put the ham down. Now open the freezer door. The one on the left. The LEFT. Now put the turkey in there. Now pick up the ham and open the fridge . . . “

So, it was a weekend of bizarre questions/conversations like that.

M was supposed to go out to dinner with a friend from his old job tonight, but the friend changed the plans to tomorrow night, so he’ll have an evening out with a friend tomorrow – which will be nice. This coming weekend, he’s going to meet a couple of guys for lunch and a movie. We’ve had to be the ones to initiate all this, but I’m determined to get him out of the house and having some social interaction with people other than me.

Taking tomorrow as a rest day and then back to running on Wednesday. It’s gonna be GREAT (she said through gritted teeth.)

4 Replies to “Mama’s Got a New Pair of Shoes”

  1. I have a good excuse not to run, hip replacement. I do walk, I don’t particularly enjoy it, but I know I have to get some exercise. We walk two days, rest one, walk two, rest two. My husband just asked me if I would like a FitBit. I don’t know if I want to know how lazy I am.

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