Day Three – in the Books!

I promise – this is NOT going to turn into a running blog!

But, I did actually get up AGAIN this morning and run. Shocking, right? Three sessions in a row. I was feeling so completely HORRIBLE yesterday that I wasn’t sure I was going to do it. In fact, I woke up around 3 am with my throat hurting and nose all stopped up and told myself I was going to sleep in.

But when the alarm went off at 5, I felt fine, so I got up and got on with it. M came with me again to ride his bike and as soon as we hit the end of the driveway, he said “I thought you were never going to run again.”

Really? THAT’S how you want to start our morning?

Well, yes – when it was 95° and 100% humidity and I couldn’t find any running shoes that didn’t hurt my feet, I said I would never run again. But since I have gained 30 (gulp!) pounds and my blood pressure was 145/110 last time it was checked, I think I’d better do SOMETHING! Or I could just stroke on out of here and let him fend for himself.

As I was running this morning – two minutes of running then two minutes of walking – I stewed on THAT for a little while, but then I started thinking about the issues with my mom. No change in my #5 status.

(As the only girl, not only do I want this shirt, I believe I deserve it. Currently, for sale at Evereve – mom!)

I realized that, even though I complain about my plate being full and the fact that I can’t take my parents on to raise, I’m the one who brings their problems on myself. When my son and daughter-in-law have birthday parties at their house, I’m the one who makes sure my parents have gotten the message about a party. Why? They’re all adults. They’re responsible for themselves. Why am I worried about everyone else?

Then when it’s time to go to the party, I’m checking in with my parents to make sure they have a ride or can follow me to get to the house. Again – why? If my parents don’t want to drive after dark or aren’t sure of the way, they are adults. They can make their own arrangements for getting there. It isn’t up to me to “handle” everything. And it isn’t fair for me to be angry and feel overwhelmed when they leave it up to me and I have to handle it all.

I need to leave all these problems and issues right back where they belong – with them.

In other news, M went out to eat with a friend from his old job last night. Yay! As it got closer to time for him to leave, I told him to get his glasses, since he was going to be driving after dark. He was stunned that I wasn’t going to be going with him. WHAT?!?! Turns out, his friend from work was bringing HIS wife to dinner and M thought I was coming along, too.

Um, no.

This is MY rest and relaxation break. I’m not about to go to a sports bar and eat under-cooked wings when I can be at home watching “Home Town” and dreaming of a Craftsman-style house of my very own. Sorry.

Turns out they had a good time and I was missed. Oh well. The pups and I had a lovely evening, too.

This morning, M called to say that he hadn’t been feeling well (upset tummy) but that he was feeling better now and older son wanted him to help with some leaf raking. I suggested M get some Tums and a Pepsi.

M: Do we have any Tums?

Me: Yes, in the bathroom closet.

M: Oh yeah. That’s right.

Me: A Pepsi might help, too.

M: I’ll stop and get one.

Me: We have a whole case of them.

M: We do? Where?

Me: In the garage. Where we keep soft drinks.

M: Is that what that blue box is?

Keep in mind, we’ve been buying Pepsi for years. Time to take a deep breath. I’m just hoping that M – the person who spends the VAST majority of his time in our house – isn’t coming down with the stomach bug that’s been going around.

4 Replies to “Day Three – in the Books!”

  1. If your parents are still competent and independent you don’t need to keep that burden. If you have siblings ask them to help your parents because you have enough on your plate.
    Oh my goodness, asking where are the sodas are is maddening. My husband asks me all the time where is such and such, my reply is always, the same place it’s been the last 43 years. It drives me nuts. If he doesn’t see it immediately, well look for it. That’s what I’m going to have to do, look for it.

  2. Yes, my parents are competent and independent – but they have no problem with me stepping in and taking over. I have to resist that impulse. My brothers are all smarter than I am. The closest one lives 4 hours away.

    I know! Doesn’t it KILL you when they can’t see something RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM?!?! The boys used to do that when they were kids and I swore they were looking at the ceiling when I sent them after something. Ugh – men!

  3. After my mother broke her neck in a fall early this year and started screaming at me that she was surrounded by people who love her and she didn’t need me, I walked away and wished my siblings the best.

    Best thing I ever did.

    1. Aw Natalie – I’m so sorry. I’m glad you’re in a good place with it now and feel loved. My younger son is going to be in Mobile, AL for his next assignment, so we’ll be traveling through Atlanta to visit him – I hope we can get together soon!

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