Today’s the Day!

This is it! The health system I work for is going to our County Commissioners tonight to ask them to apply for a loan from our state that will allow us to transition to a new model of health care over the next three years and, essentially, save health care in this county. If they vote no – that’s it. Our health system will close and I’ll be out of a job. If they vote yes, then the process will continue and we’ll move on to the next step. You’d think this would be easy, but you would be amazed at the amount of push back there is. People don’t want their taxes raised to pay for this. They are angry at the previous administration (two administrations ago) that got us into this mess, so they want to take it out on us now. Small town politics. But people who can’t afford to drive 30 minutes to get to a hospital still need access to health care.

So – here we go. If you have a moment to have a good thought for us today, it would definitely be appreciated!

In other news, M had a good day yesterday. He helped our older son with leaves and then spent the afternoon hanging around the house. I told him it was going to be warmer today, so he could probably walk the dogs two or three times today. You would have thought I had suggested flying to the moon. He was stunned!

He was also ready for us to go out for a run/bike ride this morning. I was putting on my work clothes and he asked if I wasn’t going running. I said no – it’s almost 7 am! If I’m going to run during the week, it has to be at 5 am. Plus, we were out yesterday. We’ll do it again tomorrow. (I’m not trying to get all CRAZY here with the exercise!)

I joined a Facebook group for female caregivers of early-onset dementia patients. Yes, they get THAT specific. Yesterday a woman, who is part of the group, took her husband to the doctor and he was taken to the back to get a flu shot. When the nurse brought the husband back to the lobby, the nurse didn’t alert the wife that the husband was back and the wife didn’t see him come back – and the husband left. The reason I know this is because, instead of looking for her husband in the doctor’s office building, the woman went on Facebook to post what happened and that her husband was missing. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It’s not like any of us on Facebook were going to be able to help her find him – why was she updating us and not looking for him? SMH.

Keeping good thoughts for tonight!

6 Replies to “Today’s the Day!”

  1. Praying! I’m trying really hard just to walk four days a week. Why would that lady post on the FB group and not have the doctor’s office call the police for help?

    1. Thank you! Don’t you wonder!?!? It’s like those people who set their ovens on fire and reach for a camera instead of a fire extinguisher. What are you thinking about?

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