We did it!
The Commissioners meeting went so well last night – and they approved the motion the hospital put before them . . . but we’re still A LONG WAY from the finish line. In fact, I think it’s safe to say we’ve just jumped the first hurdle. But we did it!
The meeting room was so full, people were being turned away at the door and if you wanted to speak, you had to put your name on a piece of paper and names were drawn – five at a time. Wouldn’t you know it – my name was drawn in the VERY FIRST FIVE NAMES!
Actually, I was glad to get it over with so I didn’t sit there and worry about it! Although I could hear my voice shaking, it went well, I said what I wanted to say and I think I got their attention.
There was one complete nutter there last night who had the big idea of telling another health system to buy ours. That was her “super secret idea” to save our hospital without any cost to taxpayers. #1. Does she honestly think you can force one company to purchase another? and #2. Does she honestly think that we’ve not talked to the health system she wants to buy us? They’re not interested!! It doesn’t matter how much money they have (or you THINK they have) they don’t WANT us!
Anyway, step one is complete – now on to step two. I was up last night until after 11:30, watching what the local news said about the meeting, and then up for work this morning.
Ugh – I’m exhausted!
M seemed to do just fine last night, without me there until MUCH later. Although when I came home, the door to come into the house from the garage was locked – and we never lock it until we’re going to bed. I was so aggravated! It took me forever to find a key and when I got in, he came in the kitchen to see how things had gone. When I mentioned the door, he said “I didn’t . . . ” and then he stopped. He knew the only way the door was locked was if he had done it.
Thanksgiving is LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY!!!
That just hit me this morning! There’s a part of me that feels overwhelmed and another part that’s just – meh. It’s a meal. We’ll get it done. I think I’m going to stick with that second one.
Good for you and the City Council!
Congratulations! just gotta shake your head at the nutters and go on lol. Health care/insurance is the absolute worst part of being a business owner. The entire system is so jacked up. Good luck!
So glad the Commissioners approved the plan! I know that must be a great relief.
Make Thanksgiving easy on yourself. Have you considered eating out? We did that once, no leftovers. We decided never to do that again.
We did too – and that was our reaction! There’s nothing better than turkey sandwiches on Friday! I think I’m most excited about THAT!!
What a week. You r right first hurdle. Like one commissioner the easiest. Yes our taxes will go up but they will go up anyway. Your speech was good.
Aww – thank you! I was so glad to have it over with! I showed it to my husband on the YouTube channel. He loved it!