Turkeys, turkeys everywhere!

The countdown is ON!

Do you have your turkey purchased? Most important question – is it out of the freezer and in the refrigerator to start thawing for Thursday? I kept thinking about that over the weekend, but I would think about it as I was driving down the road. Or in the shower. NOT when I could easily get to the freezer.

Our turkey make it to the fridge this morning. Hey – it’s there.

Both of our sons have to work Thursday – one with the fire department and one with the Coast Guard – so we will have multiple celebrations over the four-day weekend. I’ve also purchased our “Frozen 2” tickets, so our nieces from Myrtle Beach will be going with us to the movies Thursday evening.

It’s going to be a hoot and a hollar!

M had a good weekend. He went to the movies with his friend from work on Saturday – and he was excited to go. So much so, in fact, that he was ready to leave the house at 9 am for a 12:10 pm movie. I kept telling him it wasn’t time to go yet – but every few minutes, he would ask. Finally, I set an alarm on his phone to tell him when to go and told him not to mention it again.

It helped some – but he still left about 10 minutes before the alarm went off.

I wanted to make sure he had cash to pay for the movie, so I had him get out his wallet to check. He took out the bills from his wallet and counted four ones “one, two three, four”

Then he got to a $5 bill



Finally, I had him separate the bills into the different denominations. Turns out, our older son has been paying him for his help with raking leaves and he has acquired a bit of money I was unaware of. Not enough to pay a bill or anything like that, but I’m not going to worry about him not having any “walking around” money.

Today, we got a call from the Social Security Administration, verifying information from the disability claim I filed. M was at home and I was at work on a three-way call. The representative asked M where he was born and he told her New Jersey – which wasn’t right. Then she asked for his mother’s maiden name and he couldn’t remember it. Fortunately, she and I had talked earlier, so she understood the situation. Maybe his answers – or lack of answers – will help get his application approved.

Hopefully, this is a short work week for you. Wishing you a full table and a full tummy!

4 Replies to “Turkeys, turkeys everywhere!”

  1. I’m going to cook a hen, I have the cornbread made for the dressing, onion and celery chopped and the pumpkin on the counter to make pies tomorrow. This is just for leftovers for us after we enjoy the day at my niece’s house with our family. We ate out once, there were no leftovers. We vowed we would never do that again for Thanksgiving.

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