I wish I had something in my house that looked as nice as this picture, but no . . .
However, I DID have a cornucopia in my dining room that, evidently, went the way of the dodo bird this morning.
I know this because M called me right after I got back from lunch today to let me know there had been a cornucopia disaster at the house. He had left the house to help older son with leaves and when he got back, the remains of said Thanksgiving decor were strewn around the house.
My first question: where was Bella while you were raking leaves?
Answer: she was here at the house.
Ah ha! But where is Bella SUPPOSED to be EVERY TIME WE LEAVE THE HOUSE?!?!?!?! In her crate? So she doesn’t get into things she’s not supposed to, because she’s only 10 months old and doesn’t know any better?

Even over the phone line, I could hear realization dawning on him.
“Okay, that’s my fault. I didn’t put her in her crate.”
I told him that he had a few hours until I got home, so he’d better work on putting the cornucopia back together again so I would never know anything had happened to it.
I know, I know. I’m asking a lot. I need to put together a check list of things that need to be done before he leaves the house and whoever he’s going with must check the list off with him to make sure they’re all done.
But, grrrrrr – that just runs all over me.
Serenity now.
I had a check list at my mom’s to be followed if she was going away for a day or two, mainly for my brother and sister-in-law even though my mom was the one with memory and vision issues. Empty the trash was first on the list, flush the toilet was second, make sure the toilet stops running before leaving was next. I had a page of items.
That list makes me smile! Especially after this weekend. What is the deal with family?!?