I look back over the Christmas week and think “what exactly DID I do?” I know we ate – a lot! We went to see the new Star Wars movie, episode 9. It was SO GOOD! I cried throughout the last half. Continue reading “Holiday Recap – now with Star Wars!”
Living with an Early-onset Dementia Diagnosis
I look back over the Christmas week and think “what exactly DID I do?” I know we ate – a lot! We went to see the new Star Wars movie, episode 9. It was SO GOOD! I cried throughout the last half. Continue reading “Holiday Recap – now with Star Wars!”
Where has the time gone? What day is it? What time is it?
I had to come back to work today (bleh) which DEFINITELY added some structure to the day – I had to set the alarm and get out of bed at a specific time. Not just when I woke up and felt like it. I’ve come to the conclusion that IF I ever get to retire, I will enjoy it. Continue reading “Time Flies Like the Wind. Fruit Flies Like Bananas.”
Want to send me COMPLETELY over the edge? Post something in social media and end every single one of your sentences with LOL. I will hop in my car, drive over to your house and poke you in the eye. Unless you are 13 years old and giggle after every utterance, NO ONE is THAT funny! Continue reading “Must EVERY Sentence End in LOL?”
Had a GREAT weekend! Rode with my brother and sister-in-law from Charleston to TN for another sister-in-law’s ceremony as she received her doctorate in Education. Three of my four brothers were there. We laughed, we ate, we hung out and we had a good time. Continue reading “Over the River and Through the Woods . . .”
M and I had such a good night last night. I baked cookies to take to my brother’s house in TN and M was my official taste-tester. THAT made him very happy. He also helped by cleaning out the fridge and getting the trash together. Continue reading “Lucky Friday the 13th – Why Not?”
I don’t ever want days like THAT again!
M got up Tuesday and took Aggie and Duchess to the vet. I called him around 10:00 because I hadn’t heard from him and he was all in a tizz. Continue reading “Calm Descends”
Here’s the latest alert from my house: According to M, he does EVERYTHING!
I think the last 12 hours have been some of the worst we have ever experienced.
I haven’t said anything about it, because I hoped we could change it and things would get better, but our new puppy, Bella, has not been well received by the other dogs at our house. AT ALL. Continue reading “Nap Time”
How hopeful do you allow yourself get?
The West Virginia School of Medicine has a clinical trial for Alzheimer’s patients involving ultra-sound to open the blood/brain barrier and treat dementia patients. Continue reading “Christmas Wishes”
M has been losing his hair since his 20s and has been keeping it cut close with clippers for years. He’ll take the clippers every few weeks, use it on the lowest setting, and run it over his head. He’s never seen a reason to go to the barber shop when he can do it himself. Continue reading “The Tale of the Tail”
What a day yesterday turned out to be!
In the morning, M said he wasn’t feeling great, so I gave him some Coke and saltines before I left for work. I called him during the day and suggested toast and soup for lunch or some applesauce . . . something that would be easy on his stomach. Continue reading “Coke and Saltines – the Magic Cure-All”