The Season of Eating Continues

After all the eating we did this weekend, I’m sitting here wondering how much longer I have to wait until lunch. It really is pitiful.

I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful, delicious, salmonella-free weekend. Frighteningly, I woke up Wednesday morning, and the turkey was in the fridge – but still frozen. YIKES! Fortunately, a friend – who is a REALLY good cook – put some “just in case” instructions on her Facebook feed, so I knew what to do. I let her know that she saved the day. The turkey was not dry, it was delicious and we have been enjoying sandwiches ever since Thursday. It’s been great.

M did fairly well over the long weekend. We’ve known for months that this year’s Thanksgiving movie with our nieces from Myrtle Beach was going to be “Frozen 2.” We saw “Frozen” several years ago with them when it came out at Thanksgiving and got the news over the summer that the sequel would be out at Thanksgiving. M has been saying for MONTHS that he absolutely WOULD NOT go to see “Frozen 2,” he had enough of the first one, and he wasn’t going to sit through the second one.


So, to make sure we had tickets to what was SURE to be a sold out show, I went online earlier and bought everyone’s ticket for the big day. Guess who popped up at the last minute and decided he wanted to go?! So he and I ended up four rows from the screen with “Frozen 2” RIGHT IN OUR FACES and the rest of the family was comfortably on the back row.

On Thanksgiving Day, I had M take the dogs to my dad’s house and put them in the kennels in the back yard so they wouldn’t be barking at the back door or whining from their crates while we were trying to eat. Dad only lives about two minutes away. When we went together to pick them up, he had put them in the kennels, but hadn’t filled the water buckets, so they had no water while they were there.

I got out a lot of our Christmas decorations over the weekend, but I’ve been thinking about them. I do a lot of decorating. I mean – A LOT!! And when you have help, it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t have the help from M that I’m used to. I’m seriously thinking about cutting way, WAY back on the decor and doing what’s most important – a tree and the outdoor things. Everything else is just too much work right now.

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