The Thing Is . . .

Yesterday was a long day . . . being back to work after having five days off was a bit much to ask, in my opinion. But here I was. And M was at home, with a list of chores to do. Then I had to go get a haircut after work, so I was late getting home.

I called on my way to my appointment to remind him that I wouldn’t be home at my regularly scheduled time. He hadn’t remembered – even though we had discussed it before I left and it was on the calendar. I was glad I called him.

When I got home, I could tell he really hadn’t done much around the house. I went over the list with him – they weren’t tough items . . . things like take the dogs for a walk and put the recycle bin at the street. He had done those two things but everything else (vacuum, change the furnace filter, etc.) he hadn’t done.

When I asked him what he had been doing, he couldn’t think of anything he had done. I asked about TV, but he said he hadn’t been watching TV and it wasn’t on when I got home. In fact, while I was looking at some items in my online banking, he just sat there. I don’t know what he was doing.

Later, he told me “I put that thing . . . from the thing . . . in the thing.”


It took some guessing – and for a while, I felt like I was playing charades – but I was finally able to figure out that he put the umbrella from our backyard patio set in the storage shed for the winter. It wasn’t on the “to do” list, but we had talked about it over the weekend.

I guess that’s the thing.

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