M and I had such a good night last night. I baked cookies to take to my brother’s house in TN and M was my official taste-tester. THAT made him very happy. He also helped by cleaning out the fridge and getting the trash together.
All in all – a good evening.
Then, this morning, he was sitting in the den as I was getting dressed. Just sitting. No TV on. One lamp on. Just sitting there.
When I asked him about it, he said he wished he had some help with the dogs.
When I finally understood, he wants some help (in two weeks) taking the dogs back to the vet to get their staples out.
Can we cross that bridge when we get to it?
I think he thought it was today.
Believe me, the dogs WISH it was today. They’re sick and tired of the cones around their necks, but I tell them, that’s what they get for being such nutters and maybe now they’ll be nicer to each other. We’ll see.
Got a letter from Social Security yesterday and I was excited – until I saw it was just a 10 page recap of what we’ve done so far. Thanks for getting my hopes up. And killing another tree.
Stay safe on this “unlucky” day!