Had a GREAT weekend! Rode with my brother and sister-in-law from Charleston to TN for another sister-in-law’s ceremony as she received her doctorate in Education. Three of my four brothers were there. We laughed, we ate, we hung out and we had a good time. Missed the fourth one, of course, but threatened to photoshop him into every photograph.
M stayed at home, to take care of our crazy pups, because my dad said he couldn’t do it. Then it turned out Dad had PLENTY of room in his dog kennel for our dogs and M could have come with us, after all. Oh well. M did fine on his own and we only had to talk on the phone twice to discuss what pills the dogs needed to take and when.
While I was gone, I didn’t really notice a lack of stress or a feeling of freedom, but once I got home Saturday evening, I DEFINITELY felt the weight of being back home and being responsible for everything settle on me again.
I know I shouldn’t think about how things used to be and how M used to act – there’s no point in looking back – but he was always so active. There was NO WAY he would have sat still and done NOTHING, particularly if I wasn’t home. I could count on laundry being done and the house being at least picked up, if not cleaned.
Once, when I went away on a girl’s weekend, he switched all the furniture from the living room to the dining room and vice versa. It was something we’d been talking about to have a larger dining room space – and just never had done. He took advantage of the time alone to get it done.
Those days are OVER! While I was gone this time, he did NOTHING. Everything in the house was exactly as I left it as I ran out the door Friday morning. Nothing had been touched. AT ALL.
I guess, if I had left a list of things to do, he might have done them. But since I didn’t, then he didn’t.
Sunday we had a good day, finishing up our Christmas things and watching football. I was glad to be home and off the road.
M did get a little hyper-focused about the dogs and when they need to get their staples removed. I told him that he had said two weeks when he got home from the vet, but he wasn’t sure about that yesterday. I called the vet’s office this morning to confirm and yes – it’s two weeks. By then, younger son will be home, so he can go with his dad and help with the dogs. It will be a family affair.
My dad has been agitating for me to take his annual Christmas photo and I keep forgetting – mainly because I don’t have time to do it and basically, don’t want to. So, I think tonight we’re taking him to WalMart and sticking him in the middle of the Christmas tree display and snapping his picture there. I dare him to say ONE WORD about it!!
I told him, if he’s good, I’ll take him for ice cream.