Must EVERY Sentence End in LOL?

Want to send me COMPLETELY over the edge? Post something in social media and end every single one of your sentences with LOL. I will hop in my car, drive over to your house and poke you in the eye. Unless you are 13 years old and giggle after every utterance, NO ONE is THAT funny!

Okay, now I feel better.

Actually, things have been pretty quiet on the Western front. I hesitate to say/think that out loud. That’s not to say we haven’t had our challenges, but everything has been very manageable.

Yesterday, I asked M to go to the local grocery store and pick up some Little Debbie Christmas Cakes to have on hand for the grandkids when they come over. Yes, we had some earlier – I’m not discussing what might have happened to them. The grandkids ate two of them. So, that’s two out of ten. The fate of other eight will remain a mystery.

M called me from the parking lot at the store – he couldn’t find his debit card. He was looking in his wallet, but said it wasn’t there. I reminded him it was red and that he only had three red cards in his wallet – so it should be easy to find. Evidently that didn’t help him. He got frustrated and said he was going to go home and look for it.

Ten minutes hadn’t passed before he called me back and said he had found it – in his wallet. Not sure where it had been hiding when he was at the store, but when I got home last night, we went through his wallet and took out everything except the essentials.

When I got home, Aggie still had on her “cone of shame,” but Duchess was running around without hers. When I asked about it, M was VERY upset and showed me where Duchess had (somehow) opened one of the wounds on her leg and he had bandaged it. Then, apparently, she had slipped out of the cone and he hadn’t been able to tighten it enough to keep it on her.

I don’t know if it was the blood or what had him so upset, but he was really undone by the whole situation. And he had handled it all amazingly well. Duchess was bandaged up, she was safe and together we got the cone back on her. I told him that he had done a GREAT job . . . I think having me there took some of the pressure off.

As a bonus, he got to be my taste-tester again for another batch of cookies last night. Home made cookies made everything better.

Younger son graduates from his Coast Guard school Friday, then he’ll be home for the holidays! We’re so excited to see him and to get to celebrate with him before his next assignment. For Christmas last year, he was sailing through the Panama Canal on his new ship, so it will be nice to have him back again.

2 Replies to “Must EVERY Sentence End in LOL?”

    1. The debit card was tough to handle over the phone. I was trying to get him to be patient and SLOWLY look through his wallet, but . . . it wasn’t happening.

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