Slowly but surely, we’re easing into the Ketoflex 12/3 diet. I’ve gotten all the supplements I think M needs to take – fish oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, etc. – and have him all set up for the week. Now, I’m moving on to the shopping as we’re clearing the “non-Keto” food out of the house.
I think the hardest part for M is going to be the 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast and the three hour fast between dinner and bedtime. He’s used to eating right up until he goes to bed.
That, and changing his diet. He loves sugar and carbs. This is going to be a new way of eating and thinking about food. He says he’s willing to do it. I hope his willingness will stretch to giving foods that he “thinks” he doesn’t like a try. He was raised on peanut butter and jelly. Vegetables aren’t his favorite.
Then we add exercise and “mindful” activities, like brain games and meditation to the mix. Earlier in the week, we drove by the gym he used to have a membership for. He mentioned that he’d like to see if he could talk to someone and start going back there again. I support him wanting to work out, but we just had to wait an entire month – without a check – for his long-term disability payments to start. We’ve cut all expenses down to the bone, and I’m afraid a gym membership didn’t make the list of essentials. He and I will have to take a walk, go for a run or use YouTube videos to get our cardio in.
So – the plan is in place and it’s all starting to come together. I should have known, but there are even “pins” on Pinterest for this diet and program, so I’m finding more recipes and hints/tips/tricks. I just need M to be a willing victim.
Good luck!