Nothing like starting off Monday with the BEST of intentions . . . all to have it go right down the drain within the first five minutes. Sigh.
We ran out of cereal yesterday – M ate the last of the Frosted Flakes – so today was to be the start of our “let’s have a healthy smoothie to begin our day instead of sugar-sweetened cereal” regimen. When I got down to the kitchen for breakfast, M was sitting on his stool at the breakfast bar . . . just sitting there. Who knows how long he had been waiting for me to finish getting ready and come downstairs.
I got out all the ingredients and equipment to get the ball rolling – and realized right away that the blender was missing the rubber seal that keeps everything from leaking out of the bottom and running all over the counter. I don’t remember the last time I used the blender – it was WELL before Christmas – and I have no idea where that little piece of rubberized plastic could be.
I looked in all the drawers and places I thought it MIGHT have gone. M looked in the dishes we washed from dinner last night. (Amazingly, not as helpful as he might have thought.) But no luck. I was running out of time to get anything done before I had to leave for work, so I finally gave up and told him to fix himself some oatmeal and I would try again tomorrow. I grabbed an Atkins protein bar and ran out the door.
The good news is – I ordered one from WalMart.com for just a couple of dollars, so that will take care of that problem. And I can use my big food processor – once I drag it off the top shelf of the pantry – in the meantime. The MAIN thing I need to do is get everything together tonight so I have no surprises tomorrow morning. I could even go so far as to make the smoothies tonight and then blend them again in the morning.

The EVEN BETTER news from over the weekend is that the New England Patriots LOST their Wild Card playoff game Saturday night. For those of you who are Patriots fans or those who don’t know or care about NFL football, I apologize. But people like me who have watched the Patriots win over and over (and over) again are SO GLAD to see someone else have a chance. Even if it won’t be my team this year. It was REALLY late here when the game was over, but I was cheering so loudly, I’m surprised you didn’t hear it, wherever you live. M was, of course, asleep.
It makes me crazy when I can’t find something in the kitchen I need.
Isn’t that the worst?!? Nothing makes me crazier!
Is it possible that some little anti-keto subversive accidentally misplaced that little rubber thing hoping for another week of Frosted Flakes? I know I would’ve .😁
Hahahaha! I didn’t think of that!!