M and I participated in the local bloodmobile again Monday night. Not that big a deal . . . they check you in, ask you a BUNCH of questions, check out a few health details, then drain your blood. Really very simple.
Until you try it with someone battling early-onset dementia.
First, M couldn’t find his blood donor card in his wallet. He was looking for it while I was driving, so I couldn’t help. And he got more aggravated, the longer it took to find it. Finally, he got it and we were able to get checked in.
Then it was time to complete the 55,000 questions they want you to answer before they’ll take your blood. Welcome to the 21st century! You can download an app to your phone and answer the questions ahead of time. Yay! Great time saver.
Once again, until you try it with someone battling early-onset dementia.
I ended up using my phone to complete my questionnaire and then his phone to complete his questionnaire for him. It wasn’t a big deal – but it took twice as long and I had to make the technician wait on me to finish.
But, we got it done and got our chocolate creme-filled doughnut as our reward (no ketogenic rewards for blood-letting!) and all was well.
Yesterday, I was home all day and the phone rang several times. For some reason, the fact that someone was calling us really seemed to upset M – I’m not sure what it was. Finally, I pointed out to him that one of these calls might eventually be from our younger son (although it never turned out that way) to let us know how things are going at his new duty station.
I was the one answering the phone, so I don’t know why it was bothering him so much. And, of course, the calls were all telemarketers and political ads. Remember when we used to be excited to answer the phone? Wow – those days are gone!
Yeah, long gone.