Is it cold where you are? I know I can’t complain. It IS January, but WOW!! We went from temperatures in the 60s, near 70 degrees, to lows around 22° and highs temps staying in the 30s. Let’s just say my blood isn’t used to this.
An issue with M has cropped up again this week and I’m trying to negotiate my way around it. While our younger son was home, M was asked to help with a clean-up project at an elderly woman’s home here in town. Several men were helping to clear up an old shed that had fallen in.
When I got home, after his first day of helping, M was telling me about his day and I noticed something smelled bad. I said something about it and M said it could be him – he was still wearing the clothes he had been when he was helping out and he on his way to take a shower.
I didn’t think any more of it until later in the evening, when I took a good look at him and noticed what t-shirt he was wearing. It was one we had gotten during our trip to Alaska. He had worn it to sleep in the night before. And that morning. And as I was thinking about it – I realized he had been wearing that shirt FOR DAYS.
Not only that, but he had worn the shirt to help clean up the woman’s yard, had taken a shower and then had put the same shirt back on again!
When I said something to him about it, I got his standard litany of lines:
- What difference does it make?
- Who cares what shirt I’m wearing?
- I like this shirt!
I tried pointing out that this behavior is something elderly people in nursing homes do – wear the same outfit over and over again. Still didn’t faze him.
Finally, our younger son chimed in and said that if he’s coming out of the shower with a clean body, he needs to put on a clean shirt. Case closed. I think he was embarrassed that our son got involved and he grumbled all the way to his room and changed.
I thought that might have been the end of it, but this weekend, I noticed he was wearing a shirt that (again) I realized I had seen the day before. Then it dawns on me – wait a minute, he’s been wearing it for days before THAT. He hides the t-shirts under sweatshirts, so I don’t always see them.
Of course, I asked if that was the same shirt he had been wearing all week, and I got the same response:
- What difference does it make?
- Who cares what shirt I’m wearing?
- I like this shirt!
So now, I’m the t-shirt nazi. Whenever, he takes a shower, I grab up whatever shirt he takes off and throw it in the laundry, so he can’t put it back on and then get out clean shirts for him to wear. It would be one thing if he didn’t have 50,000 t-shirts available to him or if we didn’t do laundry AT LEAST once a week.
What is the deal?
Then, yesterday I finally got over to the CBD oil store that had been recommended to me and talked to the woman who owns it. She was very helpful and sold me some CBD oil, but she didn’t think it would be as helpful as a turmeric/B vitamin blend she had. Turmeric is another herb recommended by the Bredesen protocol we’re following, so I got that, too.
M needs to take these new pills at lunch, in addition to the ones he’s taking in the morning, so we picked up a new pill dispenser last night that has space for lunchtime pills. This morning, I set an alarm on his phone to go off at noon – to let him know it’s time to take his pills. I showed him the alarm and the pills . . . we talked about the whole procedure.
He called me at 10 am, to ask me when he should take those new pills – they were worrying him. And now, it’s 11 am and he’s called again. If the woman hadn’t warned me the new pills could possibly cause him to not be able to sleep at night, I’d change and have him take them with supper.
I can only hope that after doing this a couple of days, it won’t seem so daunting. Or I could give them to my mother and have her be in charge of doling them out to him. THAT would straighten him out. HA!
Whoa, it’s always something.