I was so pleased when I got home from work Tuesday and saw that M had taken his noon-time pills – and he said he had done it when the alarm went off. Then I took a good look at the pill dispenser and realized . . . he had taken THE ENTIRE WEEK’S WORTH OF PILLS at noon on Tuesday.
Thank goodness, they were just vitamins and supplements – not a prescription that could have poisoned him or landed him in the hospital!
I asked him, “Did you take ALL the pills in this row?”
He looked at the container for a few minutes and then he laughed. “I don’t know why I did that,” he said. Neither do I, buddy.
He did much better yesterday. Took only one day’s worth of pills, at the right time and didn’t feel the need to call me to discuss it.
When I got home from work yesterday, he tried to tell me about a gym in our town, but he was having a hard time describing it to me (couldn’t come up with the word) – and I wasn’t guessing right – so it took us A LONG TIME to get around to the fact that he had seen a gym in the shopping center and wondered about joining it.
I’ve been putting off the gym question, waiting to see if he’s approved for Social Security Disability and to see if he gets a free YMCA membership as a part of his disability. I got a call yesterday from the office that’s working on his disability claim and (let’s all act surprised!!) the work continues.
It turns out the disability claim folks need a copy of the neuropsych test M took back in (approximately) September 2018 to complete his file. Unfortunately, the psychologist who performed the test is no longer with the practice he was working with when he administered the test. Not only that, the practice he was with in September 2018 was purchased by another health system after he left, so – welcome to my big mess!
I tracked down the psychologist, gave the contact info to the disability claim people and now have my fingers crossed. Let’s take bets – will M have his disability claim processed before June? My money is on NO.
After all that, I decided that there was no point in continuing to wait on a gym membership for M. There’s a gym, right up the road, that advertises “$10 a month, no commitment.” I signed him up for it and he’s there – as I type – working out. He really loves going to the gym, it will give him something to do (especially on these days that are too cold to get out and walk) and the exercise will be good for him. So why not? It’s only $10 a month. Plus the sign up fee. Plus an extra $39 a year. Funny how they never mention THAT in the commercials!
Last night was also the first meeting of the Bad Bowlers Club from one of the local radio stations. At the appointed hour, M and I went to the bowling lanes and reported in. He’s the only one of us participating. I’ll take him there every week and use the time to enjoy a good book and relax. We don’t have a team with us, so he’ll join another team or be grouped with other singles to make a team of five.
It looks as though it should be fun and all those who were there last night got to bowl for free after the informational meeting. M had fun, bowling with a group of other single guys, so I hope this is the beginning of a good 12 weeks for him.
That’s me – always hopeful!
That’s scary about the pills!
You’re not kidding! I couldn’t believe it.