Gratitude IS an Attitude

One of the things I find myself most grateful for lately is uneventful days. If M and I have an uneventful day and/or evening, instead of thinking “wow, this was a really boring day” or “that’s sad, nothing exciting happened today,” I’m happy for days like that. I can’t say those days are normal, in the way days used to be, but maybe they’re not so bad.

I read a couple of different blog writers and one of them is The Bloggess ( In a recent post, she asked readers to list, instead of things for which they were grateful, things that delighted them. As I was thinking about it, my list kept growing – which I think is good.

Here are a few:

Dunkin’ Donuts coffee

Snow days

Starry skies

The smell of the ocean when you first get out of the car at the beach

My terrier/pitbull mix dog when she’s wagging her tail so fast she becomes Mrs. Wigglebutt

When something strikes me as funny and I find myself laughing uncontrollably (Jojo Joker?)

Chips and salsa

Birds at the birdfeeder


Refracted and reflected light – moonlight reflected off snow, light through a prism, sunlight bouncing off a mirrorball ornament


If you have a minute, and are so inclined, think about what delights you and let me know. We need more delight in our lives.

3 Replies to “Gratitude IS an Attitude”

  1. The laughter of my six month old great-niece.
    Seeing my brother being a doting grandpa.
    The cafe lights we have hanging over our driveway when I come home in the dark.
    A random text from a dear friend telling me something she knows will make me laugh.
    Snow falling.
    (I love this idea!)

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