When I left the house Friday, M was concerned because he hadn’t remembered it was Valentine’s day, so I told him NOT to go buy me anything, but to pick me some daffodils from the yard. When I got home from work, he asked if I had noticed my surprise out through the kitchen window.
There, on the picnic table, were a couple of my daffodil plants. He had dug them up from the garden in the front and put them in a box outside.
I thanked him profusely and suggested that we pick the flowers from the plants, so I could enjoy them in a vase inside the house, and then re-plant the bulbs, back in the front garden. And have more flowers next year.
I’ve mentioned several houses in the area that have huge mounds of daffodil bulbs that need to be divided. I think he took that idea and ran with it.
Over the weekend, we worked on some painting projects inside the house that have needed our attention for a while. He did a great job, helping me take down the light fixtures from the ceiling so I could paint around them, but there seemed to be a problem putting them back up. I tried to help him with it yesterday, but I think this might be a job for our older son to tackle.
Saturday night, we were watching a show on television – I don’t even remember what it was, but nothing was happening on the show that was particularly sad or touching at the time. I looked over at him and he was almost in tears!
I asked him what was wrong, thinking something had happened or maybe he was in pain, but he said there wasn’t anything – just sometimes he feels sad. Then, in a minute, he was fine.
I guess, if he’s going to have some sort of mood swing, I’d rather it be like that, than for him to start raging or become violent. I’ve heard of THAT happening and the police have to be called. Now, that would be terrible.
M started off this morning with his list of chores to do. The birds have been enjoying the bird feeders, so he’s filling them up every few days. We’re also trying to work on an area of our yard that is so muddy, with all the rain we’ve had over the last six months. Maybe this will stop all the mud from coming in the house!