M had a GREAT visit with his new internal medicine physician yesterday!
It went really well. He is someone I know through work, but I hadn’t said anything to him about our upcoming appointment. We just showed up and there we were – first thing in the morning. He asked lots of questions about M’s history and how we arrived at his diagnosis, but he was most interested in how M is spending his days, now that he isn’t working.
He spent A LOT of time talking to M about the importance of keeping his mind engaged and focused on daily tasks. He encouraged M to either pick up a new hobby or go back to one he’s enjoyed in the past. M tried to say that he golfs, but he hasn’t been to a course more than once in the past five years.
The really good news is that M seemed to take the advice to heart and put together some ideas of things he could do today while I was gone. I was really happy to see that he wanted to do this and I didn’t have to nag him about it.
He also had his eye doctor appointment yesterday. He got a new prescription for his glasses, but didn’t say anything about an intention to wear them more often. Grrrrr.
Last night, M had his weekly bowling night and had a great time! He was so enthusiastic about it! In fact, I haven’t seen this kind of enthusiasm from him about anything in a long time. It was great to see – I just wish I hadn’t been so tired (at the end of a long day) and could have enjoyed it more.
Oh well – at least he enjoyed the time!
Snow has been in the forecast all day today, and everyone around the office has been hopping from one foot to the other to see it get started. This is the first snow we’ve had this winter, so those who love snow are excited. And those who hate it are letting their hatred be known.
M called me about an hour ago to let me know it was snowing at home. Gee, thanks! I wish that meant I could leave work early – but, no.
Fingers crossed for a snow day tomorrow!
Hoping he finds plenty to keep himself occupied!