This has been one more CRAZY week!
At work, I’ve been helping with a project that has a looming deadline, so it’s been all hands on deck. Some people have been staying well into the night to try and complete everything. I was here until 6:00 one evening, and that was more than enough to send M over the edge.
Anything that changes the normal routine is to be avoided, at all costs. He was fine, once I got home, but it was a near thing.
We also received the news that his older brother passed away last week. It was a shock, but I was glad to see that it didn’t rock M as much as I thought it might. There was only one moment when he got upset, but other than that, he’s been fine.
We were supposed to travel to upstate New York for a Celebration of Life service yesterday, but blizzard conditions and FEET of lake effect snow put the kibosh on our plans. The only ray of sunshine in all this is – for the first time EVER – I purchased travel insurance when I bought the plane tickets and hotel reservations. We’re getting all our money back!
This week has also been very challenging, as far as M’s memory and focus are concerned. I know things seem to go in waves and that we’ll have good days and bad days – but this has been crazy town.
I think I mentioned earlier that he isn’t able to follow the directions I wrote down for making a smoothie and wants me to be there to walk him through it. Now, all he can get done is measuring the blueberries. By the time he has that finished, I’ve put everything else together and put it all away. If I waited to walk him through every step, I’d be late for work every day.
Then, there’s feeding the dogs. Every morning, we give them just a handful of kibble and then their regularly scheduled feeding in the evening. Some mornings, he doesn’t give them anything – and they’re dancing around like they’re about to DIE!! Which, of course, it wouldn’t hurt them to miss a meal. Then other mornings, he’s loaded their bowls up as though they’re getting ready to go on a long sled run. Finally, I’ve had to say, just let me do it.
Same with the evening meals. One night I came home and one dog bowl was on the floor, empty. The other was on the counter, full of food. Okay – what’s going on here? Has one or both dogs eaten? Do we need to fill the other bowl? Did they share one bowl? (Highly unlikely!) So again, wait until I get home and I’ll do it.
I’m thinking about ordering shirts that say “Just Let Me Do It.”
Sounds like a campaign slogan.