All good things must come to an end, and so it was with my solo vacation. M and his traveling companions came home a day early (on Thursday) last week and I have to admit – I was ready for him to be back. I enjoyed my alone time, but with everything else that is going on in the world and in our nation, I was ready for all my little chicks to be back in the nest.
I didn’t have much of an opportunity to talk to his brother about the time they spent together and how M did, remembering things, etc. I did get a phone call when they arrived – they were in the grocery store, looking for snacks and M couldn’t articulate what kind of snacks he wanted. I was on the phone with them, running through the list of snacks that we normally get for M each week at the store. Of course, I wasn’t sure exactly what he was talking about, but I think I got it.
Even with spring training baseball cancelled, they had a good time while they were gone. They rented bikes and went to the beach and went out on kayaks – just spent time outdoors, enjoying the warm, sunny weather. In fact, M was sunburned when he came home!
Since he’s been back, it’s been interesting to see how he’s responded to the restrictions and changes that have taken place with COVID-19 across the country. Every once in a while, M will say “this is just ridiculous,” in reference to schools being closed or a new restriction. But when I remind him of how bad things are in Italy and that we’re trying to prevent that from happening here, he immediately agrees with me. Working in health care, I’m seeing the restrictions we have in place and we’re thinking that they aren’t enough – they need to be tougher to get a handle on this. We’ll see what happens next.

M and I are washing our hands more often and staying at home. Hope you’re not too cooped up in your home and that you’re feeling well. If you’re looking for something to watch, I can recommend “Broadchurch” on Netflix and “Dublin Murders” on Starz. Both were REALLY good and kept me on the edge of my seat! But not too scary.