How are you? Are you stuck inside? Do you have enough bread? Milk? Toilet paper?
The county I live in has issued a “Shelter in place” order, but since I work for a health care system, I’m still going to work every day. I think M and I being together all day/every day in the same house would get to be a bit much.
He’s been doing pretty well with the changes that have been going on lately. Last night, he started making some noises about getting the radiator on the Jeep flushed out and I put the kibosh on that right away. Not only does that NOT need to be done right this minute, that’s not something we need to spend our money on right now.
That seems to be the only thing he’s having a problem understanding – that he can’t just jump up and go somewhere when he gets an idea about it. And the funny thing is, he wasn’t really doing that before restrictions were put in place.
I guess that’s the way it is – you don’t want to do something until you’re told you can’t do it.
That’s exactly the way my husband is–gotta go somewhere every day, just because he knows he shouldn’t.