I know two days don’t equal a trend . . . and I probably shouldn’t say anything yet. But M seems to be making some progress when it comes to remembering what to do to put his smoothie together in the morning. Continue reading “What is This? Effort? Progress?”
It’s All About the Benjamins
Ha! Now THAT’S funny!
It’s Monday, once again in quarantine land, and last Friday should have been payday for me. There was some sort of glitch between the bank and my employer, so (for a lot of us) our paychecks didn’t go into our accounts that night. Continue reading “It’s All About the Benjamins”
Keep Your Shirt On
I just saw a headline that said a Florida judge is asking attorneys to wear shirts and not be in bed during court hearings. I guess that’s where we are, as a country.
Hello! How is your quarantine going? Continue reading “Keep Your Shirt On”
Gimme Shelter
Shelter in place continues . . .
How are things where you are? Our state has had shelter in place for a couple of weeks, and now the CDC is recommending wearing face masks whenever we’re out in public. I can just see me getting my dad and my husband to do that. Yeah, right. Continue reading “Gimme Shelter”