Keep Your Shirt On

I just saw a headline that said a Florida judge is asking attorneys to wear shirts and not be in bed during court hearings. I guess that’s where we are, as a country.

Hello! How is your quarantine going? Here, at Casa de Crazy, we are all well. I make M practice deep breathing at least once a day, to make sure his airways are clear and that we have good lung capacity. I don’t know if it’s helpful or if it makes a difference . . . but it makes me feel as though I’m doing something.

Here’s a funny story from the weekend I went horseback riding with my friend . . . there were chickens running around the barnyard and I was trying to get a picture of the rooster – he was so colorful. I knelt on the ground and was waiting for him to turn toward me . . . when he grabbed a chicken by the neck and proceeded to, well . . . have his way with her. And there I sit, looking on, with my camera ready. I couldn’t get away fast enough! Finally got a picture, though.

Rooster and his harem

Over Easter weekend, I had both Friday and Monday off. I wish I could say I was SUPER motivated and attacked all the dust bunnies and clutter around the house with a vengeance. Sadly, I cannot say that. What I CAN say is that M and I spent some quality time in front of the television and I can bake delicious blueberry muffins AND cheese biscuits. Yum, yum! (As though my waistline needed THAT kind of help.)

M did fairly well with my being at home four days straight, although finding something to do is still challenging. He’ll go downstairs – and I think he’s going to watch TV – but I’ll find him in the den, just sitting in the dark. No lights on, no TV on. When I ask him what he’s doing, he’ll say he’s just sitting there, or he’s waiting for me.


We watched some interesting shows while I was off work. We finally saw “McMillions” which was crazy. I knew, back when McDonald’s had the Monopoly game going on, that I didn’t have MUCH of a chance of winning the big money. I didn’t know I had ZERO chance of winning! If you’ve seen this six-part series, you know “Jerry” is a huge part of the whole scheme. M and I watched all six parts and toward the end of the last one, he asked me “who is Jerry?” I didn’t know what to say. Finally, I told him Jerry was the main guy and just let it go at that.

Our younger son told us about another series on Netflix, called “Sunderland ‘til I Die.” It’s about a football (soccer) team in England and the town that supports them. They’re so passionate about their team, the priest is even praying for the team in church on Sunday morning. It was fascinating to watch! In fact, I think I’d like to work in marketing for a team like that! As we got to the end of two seasons of that show, M said “I know this isn’t about a real team . . . “


I said “What do you mean, it isn’t real? Sunderland is a real town in England. This is really their soccer team. This all really happened. What makes you think it’s not real?”

He never could answer that, but I was amazed that he had watched the entire show, thinking this was all fiction.

Back at work – at the hospital – we’re wearing masks throughout the day, so I decided to make my own last night. I didn’t want one to hang off my ears, because I knew that would drive me crazy. This first one took FOREVER, but now that I’ve done it, I think it won’t take me any time to knock out more.

My first mask attempt – doesn’t it look like half of a bikini?

I know these restrictions are getting old and you’re ready to break out and get back to “normal” but please give it a little more time. Remember – a COVID patient will be on a ventilator 14 – 22 days and if we have a surge of patients needing ventilators, there are a finite number of those available. Physicians don’t want to be put in the position of taking someone off a ventilator in order to give it to someone else who has a better chance of “making it.” Stay home and stay safe.

2 Replies to “Keep Your Shirt On”

  1. Our routine has not changed much since we are retired and home all the time. Only thing, going to the grocery store is soooo stressful and way too early for me. I am very thankful they have early hours for us seniors, but I hate, hate, hate having to get up early to go to the store, which is a task I have always hated. I have made a few masks, first ones for my brother, sister-in-law and nephew, because they are high risk, health issues and age.

    “Jerry is a huge part of the whole scheme.” Made me laugh, then I read M’s remark, that made me so sad for you both.

    This is certainly hard times for all of us.

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