Ha! Now THAT’S funny!
It’s Monday, once again in quarantine land, and last Friday should have been payday for me. There was some sort of glitch between the bank and my employer, so (for a lot of us) our paychecks didn’t go into our accounts that night. I knew they were working to get it fixed, and it was all taken care of by 2:00 that afternoon . . . BUT! That’s a scary feeling when you’re expecting those $$$ and they don’t show up.
We’re still receiving M’s monthly disability from his employer, but no word on Social Security disability. I submitted the application on November 14th. I called last week to ask about it and was told that they had received all his paperwork and his case was being reviewed before it was forwarded to their physician for review.
Right. Sure.
More dilly-dallying around.
Then, of course, we’re waiting on our COVID-19 stimulus check. I found a website that let me know the IRS doesn’t have my account information (shocking!) so I had to complete the form and send it in. Now the dollars should start rolling in. Yay!

M has been making me nuts about getting the radiator flushed on his Jeep. We knew it needed to be done, but the Jeep is only driven once or twice a month, so I wasn’t that concerned. He made an appointment at a local garage to get it done today – Monday. Fine. When I came home from work last Thursday, he wanted to take the Jeep to the shop that evening. I thought maybe the shop owner had called and told him he had an earlier opening in his schedule.
No – he just suddenly decided the Jeep needed to go to the shop five days early.
I convinced him to wait until Monday morning, but he reminded me SEVERAL times over the weekend.
We dropped off the Jeep as I was leaving for work and all was well. When the work was done this afternoon, the mechanic called me to tell me and give me the total due, then I called M to tell him it was time to pick it up. We only live about half a mile away, so he could walk there.
Little did I know, he was already there – checking on it for the THIRD TIME TODAY. Fortunately, he says the shop door was closed every time he was there earlier, so he says he didn’t go in and bother them, but he got obsessed about when the Jeep would be finished, so he went by there . . . and went by there . . . and went by there.
I should have thought about it. I know how obsessed he gets about these things, and I should have told him to leave it alone until we got a call.
Sigh. I just hope he didn’t go in there and drive them crazy, nagging them about his car.