Yesterday was a combo meal – a comedy of errors followed by the “I didn’t do it” chorus.
And they wonder why my blood pressure is going up.
I got a call from our dentist’s office a few weeks ago, letting me know that they were trying to reschedule appointments that were missed while everyone was quarantined. Could M come in to get his teeth cleaned at 11 am on June 10th?
Yes, he can.
Yesterday morning, as I was getting dressed for work, I let M know that he had a dentist’s appointment.
Cue the worry and agitation.
He decided that he needed to get dressed and ready to go RIGHT THAT MINUTE (7 am) for his 11 am appointment. He also let me know that he had no idea how to get to the dentist’s office.

I had him go down to the kitchen and hang out with the pups while I finished getting ready for my work day – then I called my dad and asked if he could take M to the dentist at 10:30. Yay! No problem!
A few minutes after 11, I got a call from the dentist’s office, letting me know that M was there for his appointment – a month early. That’s right, his appointment is on July 10th.
Now, I know darn good and well that I was told June 10th when they called me, but . . . nevermind.
I gave it a few minutes, then I called M on his cell phone.
No answer.
I called my dad on his cell phone and said I was so sorry, that I couldn’t believe we had made a mistake like that.
He didn’t know what I was talking about. He had left M at the dentist’s office and had driven down the street to go get something to eat. But if I was saying that M needed to be picked up NOW, he would go on back.
Um, yeah.

In the meantime, M was wandering around the parking lot at the dentist’s office, looking for my dad’s car. I called him 10 TIMES on his cell phone, but he never answered.
Finally, dad got M and M answered his cell phone. The phone was in dad’s car.
Sigh. Why?
When I got home from work last night, M had vacuumed the house – which was GREAT! I forgot about that as I walked into the bedroom and saw a plastic trash bag on top of the laundry in the laundry basket.
“Why is this garbage bag on the dirty clothes?” I asked.
M said, “I didn’t do it.”
Okay. Well, unless the dogs have suddenly started moving bags of trash around the house, you’re the only one who COULD have done it. I finally pieced it together – the trash bag had some items we had cleaned out from our drawers (old, worn out socks, etc.) and were throwing away. I’m sure the bag was sitting by the dresser and when he was vacuuming, he picked it up and put it in the basket to vacuum under it.
But “he didn’t do it.”
There were several more of those throughout the evening – Where did this come from? – I didn’t do it . . . .
Fortunately, I’m getting to the point that now, I start “fussing” at the dogs when he says that. No point in anything else.