There’s a new woman in my husband’s life, but she’s so pretty and so sweet, I really can’t say anything about the time he spends with her. Her name is Becky and I’ve been spending time with Becky’s boyfriend, as well, so we have quite a little “thing” going around here.

For the past couple of weekends, a good friend of mine has taken us horseback riding on Sunday afternoons. I wasn’t sure how M was going to enjoy it, but he has been having a really good time!

Becky is his horse of choice and I have been riding the trails on her boyfriend, Neon. Fortunately, both of them are well-mannered and content to walk slowly with us through the woods and fields out in the country. We’ve had some beautiful weekends around here lately, so it’s been ideal riding weather. Now that we’re getting into the teeth of summer, I don’t know how much longer that will last.

I got a call last week from someone with the local medical school and they have a medical trial starting – kind of like a drug trial, but without drugs involved – for caretakers of people with dementia, and would I like to be involved.
Would I ever?!?!
The woman happened to call during one of our rougher days, so I was THRILLED to hear from someone who wanted to help me! She’ll be calling with more details tonight, so I’m excited to get started.
Further reports as developments warrant.
Yay on both counts! So nice to have some encouragement. Glad you’re both getting outside. It really does help and I can’t figure out why I resist sometimes. Hope you get more encouraging news tonight.
That looks like fun.