At least five years ago, I was part of a writing class that evolved into a writer’s group. Six or eight of us from the class enjoyed what we were doing and each other’s company enough to want to continue meeting on a regular basis and hold each other accountable for writing projects.
At that time, I was working on a project about a middle-aged woman, on the way to a baseball game in Washington, DC, who was about to meet the ‘love interest’ of the story. But no matter what tack I took, I couldn’t seem to get her off the train.
Everything I thought of for the two of them to meet just seemed “too cute” and “too planned” or just too . . . something. I didn’t like it, so the poor woman ended up stuck on the train – and I guess she remains there today.
I mention that to say that I’ve been feeling stuck, too. And I guess that’s to be expected. I’m certainly on a train I would NEVER have purchased a ticket for.
In order to feel as though I have a little control, and to add more sunshine to the days, I’ve been trying to meet friends – at least once a week – for dinner. Last night was a double feature with two friends able to join me and our dinner turned into a writer’s group meeting. We talked about writing projects we’ve had on the back burner (in my case, for YEARS!) and they’re going to help me get that woman off the darn train!

M has been enjoying the time while my sister-in-law has been in town. She’s been able to meet him during the day and they go for long walks (4+ miles!) and bike rides. Yesterday, I reminded him of the grilled chicken we had in the fridge and that he needed to have some for lunch. So he took it to my dad’s house and gave it to my sister-in-law.
All of it.
So I didn’t have any for lunch today.

Oh yeah – follow up! The woman DID call me back from the caregiver study and she is concerned about my level of depression . . . and I need to see my primary care physician. I actually made an appointment this afternoon and I’ll see someone in two weeks. And if she fusses about my weight – whatever. I’ve heard it all before!
Good for you making the appointment with your doctor.