Happy Father’s Day! I hope everyone was able to enjoy all the celebrations they wanted to this past weekend.
M and I FINALLY got the gang back together on Sunday and had my parents, our older son and his family (minus the oldest grandson, who spent Father’s Day with his dad) at the house for dinner. I’ve missed having everyone getting together! But I also forgot how much work it is to get a meal ready for that many people!
But this has also been the weekend of constant togetherness.
M has not wanted to leave my side or let me out of his sight. And I’m someone who enjoys her alone time and moments of quiet.
Saturday afternoon, I had a screaming migraine, so I was laying on my bed with a cold cloth over my eyes. M was in the bedroom, every few minutes, asking me if I was okay or if I needed anything. Don’t get me wrong – I appreciate that someone cares if I’m alive or dead. But when I’m hoping to fall asleep so the headache will go away . . .
This morning, he said he was going to the bathroom, and I was walking behind him on my way to the kitchen. As he turned toward the bathroom and I walked past him, he saw me go by and immediately fell in behind me to follow me to the kitchen. He followed me all around the kitchen as I was putting my lunch together until I finally said, “I thought you were going to the bathroom!”
He said, “I was. I am.” And then he went back upstairs.
It’s like he gets so interested in what I’m doing, he forgets what he was going to do.
I realized, as I am writing this, that he was to see his neurologist in April, but that appointment was COVID cancelled, and I don’t think we have another one scheduled.
I need to get him back in there and see if we can get something for his growing anxiety.