This fax cover sheet is a receipt from a successful fax transmission to Social Security Disability Determination this morning . . . yes, M’s paperwork was faxed through and they should have received it! I’ll know for sure tomorrow . . .
And then we move on to the next step. Because there’s always a next step, right?
Once all this paperwork is confirmed and whatever, they want to schedule him for a “current mental status” evaluation. The woman I spoke to didn’t say where that would be done, but she did say it would take about 45 minutes.
I can tell you right now, M is NOT going to be happy about being subjected to another test. Hopefully, I can be in the room with him for the test and maybe, if I bring snacks and water and keep it light and happy, he’ll get through it.
Got a dinner tonight with a friend I haven’t seen in a LONG time – so excited! We’re going to sit out beside her backyard pool, which will be a nice change of pace. If I were smart, I’d take my walking shoes and insist that we go for a walk, but I have a feeling that’s not going to happen. We’ll just sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet.