I work with some of the best people! Even though we have been under a cloud of “this business could close and your job could go away in a minute” for the last three years (or maybe even more!) I work with some of the most positive, upbeat people you would ever want to meet. Case in point, there’s a man who walks by my office every day, delivering supplies around the building. He never goes by without saying “Hello, my beautiful friend!” I know, it’s kind of cheesy, but it always makes me smile and lifts my day.
Speaking of work, I’ve just been given a new project at work which, if we continue to stay open and in business, will give me a new set of skills and abilities that will keep me hired as long as we’re here. Or I can add to my resume and transfer somewhere else. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

I have the best friends EVER! The hearts, the kisses, the hugs – even if they’re online and virtual – they mean the world to me. Know that I see them, take them in and they give me a smile, usually when I need it most. A dear friend even made homemade chicken salad and brownies as a continued birthday celebration for me last night and it was such a treat! The best part was being able to sit back and NOT have to be in charge of anything or anyone but myself.
So, I go into the weekend with a smile on my face, feeling pretty good. Challenges are on the horizon – I know that – but that will be the case, no matter what. Right now, I feel prepared to meet them.
In five minutes, we’ll see how I feel.