Mow, Mow Monday

Another day, another link in the paper trail. I remembered (yay!) to bring the information the insurance company was looking for so I could scan it and email it to them this morning. I knew it hadn’t been that long since I sent it to them previously, and I was right – I last sent them this SAME EXACT INFORMATION on June 12, 2020.


I did get an email confirmation back, stating that they have received it, so let’s see how long we go before they ask me for this information again.

You know, I’m a reasonably intelligent person who basically has her wits about her and I’m having this kind of trouble getting my husband the benefits that he is entitled to. I don’t understand how elderly or confused people manage to get things like this done for themselves. And I REALLY don’t understand how some people manage to cheat the system and double-dip or get paid when they don’t deserve it.

Oh well. Enough of that . . .

There are days I think that M is doing well and I’m pleased that he isn’t getting any worse. And then there are days . . .

Our older son talked to M over the weekend about their lawn-cutting business and let him know that they were going to have some lawns to mow on Tuesday. No problem – M had nothing to do Tuesday morning (or any morning, really), so that would be fine.

Then, older son called M on Sunday afternoon and talked to him for a few minutes. When he hung up the phone, M told me “We’re going to cut his mother-in-law’s yard on Tuesday, too.” I know that our son’s mother-in-law watches the kids while he and his wife are working, so I figured that was a nice tradeoff for her babysitting.

Then, Monday morning, M got up and got dressed bright and early to go cut grass. I asked him why he was doing that and he told me that our son had changed the day when he called him on Sunday.

“Wait a minute,” I told him. “You didn’t tell me that when you talked to him yesterday.”

M insisted that the lawn cutting day had changed – and sure enough, our son came walking in the door a few minutes later. I asked him if they were adding his mother-in-law’s yard to their list of lawns for the day – and he said no. He couldn’t imagine where I had gotten that idea.

Finally I told him – when you’re calling to change the plans like that, it might be a good idea to let ME know, too.

It turned out, M had the right idea in his mind – because he did get ready for mowing on Monday. He just wasn’t able to convey the right message.

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