This time of year, it’s the heat. It’s always the heat. I used to love summer when I was a kid. In fact, I can remember a time when we didn’t have air conditioning – all we had was an attic fan in our house. But honestly, right now, I don’t know how we survived it. It’s so hot outside! And humid, too!
This past weekend, I absolutely LOST MY MIND and decided that M and I should take the dogs for a walk on the local greenway at noon. I don’t know why I thought that, since the greenway would be shaded, it would be so much cooler and we would all enjoy it. Ha!
It was so hot and so miserable. Even the dogs were dragging, and we really didn’t go that far! Finally, we took pity on them and veered off the path and down to the creek for a refreshing dip. Aggie, the black Lab mix, was in heaven and bounded through the water like it was her BEST DAY EVER!
Duchess, our brown pibble, however, acted like the water was lava and taking her into the creek was even worse than making her walk on the hot trail. Basically, we were killing her. She wasn’t happy until she got home and could lay down with her tummy on the cold kitchen floor.

I walked with a friend on this greenway Thursday evening and came in to the house about 7 pm – and instantly knew something was wrong. It was hot in the house. I asked M if something was wrong with the a/c, but he said he hadn’t noticed anything.
I looked at the thermostat. It was 79° in my house. No idea why M hadn’t noticed it getting hotter. And hotter.
Since it was so late, we ended up having a night without a/c. You can imagine.
Fortunately, our HVAC guy lives close by and was able to get to the house Friday afternoon. I don’t even know what the problem was, but it was less than $200 to fix. Whew!
It’s supposed to be even hotter this week. I don’t know how I’m going to stand it. Ugh. Thank goodness for a/c. And fall is only 50 days away!!