Like seven inches from the mid-day sun . . .
I know . . . I keep complaining about the heat. Ugh. Surely, it’s time for fall.
Once again, trash day has rolled around again, so I asked M to get a large plastic garbage bag from under the sink to replace the trash bag in the laundry room – and a plastic grocery bag from the pantry to replace the bag in the small trash can in the den. He got the large trash bag without a problem, but asked me to repeat what else I wanted. Then he walked into the pantry and came back out without anything.
Try that again.
When he went downstairs with the large and small trash bags, I went behind him and put the box for the trash bags back under the sink and then closed the door to that cabinet – because it had been left standing wide open. Then I went to the pantry and turned off the light in there, because OF COURSE, we left that light on.
When he came back upstairs, he had two bags of trash in his hands, so I suggested he put the smaller bag of trash into the larger one so he could take them down to the street. He had already tied the larger one shut.
Since I knew there was also a trash can in the garage that needed to be emptied, I told him we would put the smaller bag of trash in the garage can and not to worry about it. So we did that and he got the trash all delivered to the street as I was leaving this morning. The only thing I’m not sure of is . . . how did he leave the two trash cans in the den and laundry room when he went down there?
Did he put the new liners in them? Did he put them back where they belong? I didn’t check behind him before I left, so it will be interesting to see when I get home.
You know, I used to never have to think about this stuff. He handled all this and I never gave it a thought. Now, it’s all mine to think about and worry about.
Our younger son met with the surgeon yesterday and found out all the details about his surgery. Now it’s up to his Coast Guard commander as to when the surgery is scheduled. We’re hoping sooner, rather than later, so he can go ahead and get it over with and get on the road to recovery.
Plus, it will be good for our son and his dad to spend some time together.