The heat wave continues! I wish I could say I had a productive weekend or that I spent time outside, enjoying the summer, but it was too hot to do anything! I tried to stay indoors and move as little as possible. And this is only July. Ugh.
The mail actually contained good news when I got home Friday afternoon – there was a letter from Social Security . . . (drum roll) and M has been APPROVED for Social Security Disability benefits!!
Yay and hooray!
It only took from November 4, 2019 to July 14, 2020 (253 days) to make this happen. Ridiculous.
I guess that’s less time than it took to get his diagnosis. But still.
We were sent a lump-sum payment, back dated to February and I made the mistake of letting M know how much money we got. His first comment was, “Well, now I’m getting a new car.”
His car has maybe 190,000 miles on it, but it’s a Honda (like mine) which means it’s just getting started. Not to mention, he has a degenerative brain disease and SHOULDN’T BE DRIVING!
I reminded him that my car has nearly 300,000 miles on it PLUS I drive 60 miles a day for work. But before we can do any sort of car shopping, we need to settle up with the long-term disability insurance company, who will need to be paid back for the payments we received from February through July 14 – no one is going to let us receive double payments.
He was in a real snit, telling me that was HIS money.
Since I’m the one who’s been paying for the groceries and the house payment since he stopped working, do you think I should start charging him rent?
Then, our younger son went to his older brother’s house to spend the night and play video games and do whatever it is brothers do when they get together. I have a feeling craft beer was involved.
ANYWAY – when younger son got home, he gave M some cash, as a payment for yardwork M and older son had done last week.
M was fumbling, trying to get the bills into his wallet and I took a look at the situation . . . he was going to have nearly $150 in cash in his wallet. For you and I, not a problem . . . but he called me at work, just last week, all distressed and in a tizz because he couldn’t find his wallet.
He finally found it, in his room, on the dresser – where it belongs – but I don’t think he needs to carry a lot of money around with him. So I gave him $30 and told him we would put the remainder in his “slush fund” to hold for when he ran out. (I’d rather have his wallet lost with $30 in it than lost with $150 in it!)
“That’s MY MONEY!!”
He had a royal fit!
He and younger son went downstairs and I could hear younger son talking to him . . . and a little while later, M found me to apologize.
It was fine – I wasn’t upset, but I appreciated his apology.

We had to go by the drug store yesterday, and he got a new pair of sunglasses with his $30. That money didn’t last long!