Lately, M and I have had several discussions about where we want to live and what kind of house we want to transition into next. Let’s face it – we’re two people living in a five-bedroom house. It’s probably well past time for us to down-size and get something smaller.
In a recent discussion, we talked about an apartment or townhouse. I have to be realistic – when I’m thinking about “what’s next,” I’m probably going to be by myself sooner rather than later.
It’s just the truth.
But when I mentioned the apartment or townhouse idea, M instantly dismissed it because there wouldn’t be room for all his tools and toolboxes.
Then yesterday, I was putting a picture into a frame and needed a flathead screwdriver to lift those little metal tabs on the back of the frame. M was headed out to the garage to do something else, so I asked him to get me a flathead screwdriver, while he was out there.
M: I’m going out to the garage
Me: I know, isn’t that where your screwdrivers are?
M: Yes.
M: What did you want again?
He was in the garage for the LONGEST time and the door from the house to the garage was left standing WIDE OPEN (because of course it was!!) so I could feel the waves of heat coming into the house from the garage.
Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer and I went out there. He was in front of his 5-foot high toolbox, looking in the drawers. I pointed out the ten screwdrivers hanging from the pegboard on the wall, got what I needed and brought him back into the a/c.
He told me, last night, that he had taken the dogs for a walk at some point in time yesterday. Since it was the hottest day we’ve had this year, unless he went at 6 am (he didn’t) it was too hot to have the dogs out walking. He said they were fine until they were on the way home. When they were about a block away, Aggie (the Lab mix) lay down in the road and refused to move.
He had to carry her home.
I think we have had a lesson-learned here . . . it’s too hot to walk the dogs right now. Let’s leave it, maybe until September ends.
It’s just too hot to walk. As we get older we really don’t need a lot of house, we basically live in three rooms.
Thank you for sharing this. We are all in a state of “what’s next” in so many ways. I’ve decided to downsize in my own house. To get rid of and make easier, simpler.
Real estate too over priced w no privacy. But I had to do the work and get to a clear decision. My hubby lives w his son and will probably be gone before me too. He doesn’t remember our marriage. Some of the truths of living now make doing things easier make a lot of sense.