The happiest person on the face of this earth is my husband. No kidding. Ever since we got home from the beach and he’s been within his four walls, with his pups, he’s been as happy as a clam.
I, of course, miss the beach.
I had yesterday off to get laundry done and catch up on chores before heading back to work. M was so happy to be puttering around the house, without a care in the world. He was truly in his happy place.
This morning, our older son had some yards to cut and needed my car for the trailer hitch. M said he would drive my car to our older son’s house – he needed to be there at 9:30. Since we know time is an issue for M, I left him a note, and put it on his digital clock in the kitchen with the HUGE numbers, that said “Leave the house at 9:15.”
I got a text from our son, just after 8 am, letting me know that M was already at his house. It looks like M left the house shortly after I did.

Someone recently suggested that, as I’m getting ready to buy a new (to me) car and I’m selling my current car, I should also sell M’s car, which will eliminate the driving question for him.
That would open a whole new Pandora ’s Box. How do I sell his car without him having a running, screaming fit? He’s not to the point that I can slide this past him and he not realize it. I’d have an easier time “losing” his set of keys.
Maybe that’s the answer.
Easier answer is certainly losing his keys (they stay in your purse). I disabled my mom’s car so it wouldn’t start because she couldn’t see to drive, but insisted she was only going to the store just around the corner. This was way before she had dementia and it was a horrible struggle for both of us.