Short and Sweet

I’ve run out of time today – I actually had work to do . . . at work. Imagine that!

Yesterday, M and I had errands to run after work, and I talked to him in the car as we were driving about the possibility of us moving. I told him about a conversation I had earlier in the week with my dad and what I was thinking about for our future.

We talked about several different ideas – he seemed very concerned about whether or not he would have a storage shed at a new location.

Yes, we can make that happen.

Since my thoughts revolve around some land my dad owns, his input is a part of this conversation, and I was pleased that my dad was receptive to and supportive of my ideas.

As we were getting ready for bed last night, M asked me if I had talked to my dad about this idea.

Yes, I sure have. As we discussed earlier this evening. But he had forgotten that part of the conversation.

Which worries me – I hope moving him to a new location won’t be upsetting to him. Although all his furniture and dogs will be there with him, it will still be a change.

All I can do is try.

4 Replies to “Short and Sweet”

  1. I think moving sooner would be easier for both of you than moving later in his progression, if you want a random internet opinion. 🙂 Hope it works out the way you want.

    1. You’re absolutely right! Why is money always the answer – and the stumbling block? My goal is to get the house we’re in ready to sell ASAP and I’m trying to do SOMETHING toward that every day. It would be so much easier to just “call the man” and hire him! 🙂

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