When a (Clinical) Trial is the Answer

A dear aunt sent me a link over the weekend to some information about a new drug that’s being tested for the treatment of dementia – particularly early-onset dementia. It’s called Aducanumab (WHERE do they come up with these names?!?!) by the drug company Biogen. Evidently, it’s already been through three phases of testing (drug trials) and has been submitted to the FDA for approval. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, but the patients I saw being interviewed were very positive.

Check it out here -> https://bit.ly/3gO7brs

We could use some good news around here.

At dinner last night, my precious daughter-in-law mentioned that, if I’m concerned about M being home alone all day, he can always come to their house. She and I can meet in the morning for me to hand him off and he can spend the day with the grandkids and helping out around the house.

A win/win for everyone.

So this morning, as I was getting dressed, I tried to lay the groundwork for the future and mentioned that our older son and wife could use some help with the kids when school gets started, in a couple of weeks. They’ll be juggling their jobs, online schooling, a toddler and three kids who have seen enough of each other since quarantine started, back in March.

M could be helpful to them.

Plus, our daughter-in-law’s father is helping them out by building a deck for them in their back yard when he gets off work. I’m sure he can use some help, carrying, fetching and toting after he’s worked all day.

M could be helpful to him, too.

I was happy that M seemed receptive to the whole idea and wasn’t making excuses about why he couldn’t do it.

Then, around 8:30 this morning, older son called me to ask why his dad was at his house.

Oh, boy.

Evidently, when I thought I was laying the groundwork and getting M used to the idea, he was taking it to heart and went over there to get started on his new babysitting/deck building job.

If only he were “Johnny-on-the-spot” like that when I leave him a list of chores or ask him to dust or vacuum. I guess those aren’t as much fun.

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