I’ve been trying to get myself and M out the door to walk the dogs in the evening, but it seems like every time I suggest it, I hear a rumble of thunder in the distance. We seem to have a thunderstorm roll through the area almost every evening. And I’m not going out as soon as I get home from work because it’s too hot for the dogs. It’s hard to find a good time.
So . . . for the past two mornings, we’ve gotten up an hour early and we’ve actually gotten out the door. The dogs are wildly excited. The humans? Not so much. But we’re getting in a nice, healthy walk to start our day.
This morning, I asked M if the dogs behaved any differently during the day after having had a walk first thing in the morning.
M: Yes, they were different.
Me: They were? Really? How?
M: What? What do you mean?
Me: How were the dogs different?
M: What are you talking about?
Me: Well, I asked you if the dogs acted differently after their walk and you said they did and I’m wondering what was different about them.
M: There’s nothing different about them.
Me: . . . Okay.
M was also very slow walking, compared to the way he used to be. I had to stop several times and wait for him to catch up to me, which I’m just not used to. In the past, it’s always been me hustling to keep up with him. Now it’s not that way anymore.
After M went to our older son’s house – unnecessarily – yesterday, the two of them decided that our son would call him today when he was ready for M to come over. Then, last night, older son called the house to tell me and remind M that he would be calling in the morning. This morning, I asked M what he was going to do about going to older son’s house and he remembered that he’s waiting for a phone call. And I never got a call this morning, letting me know that M had shown up early, so MAYBE (just maybe) it worked!