Is there anything more fun than sorting through your belongings, trying to pare them down in anticipation of a move?
There might be a beating you can sign up for – I really need to look into that.
Because this cleaning out closets is for the birds. You should try your luck getting my husband to agree to part with a neon orange hunting vest that he hasn’t worn in at least 10 years, but is convinced he’s going to need again soon. It’s the very definition of an exercise in frustration.
But it has to be done. We met with a realtor Sunday – and WOW!! We have three pages of notes . . . things we need to attend to in order to get our house on the market. Nothing outrageous and everything I expected. But when you see it all written down in one space, you suddenly feel the need for a nap. And a drink. And maybe a valium to go along with it.

No time for any of that, though. We’re on a mission! We got M’s closet cleaned out and one bathroom closet. Now I’m moving on to the other bathroom and tackling that GIANT list, one project at a time. What’s the old saying – how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That’s how we’re going to get this done. One step at a time.
I have decided that, even though I can (technically) do all the projects on the list, at 59 years old, I don’t need to be on a ladder, painting the outside of my house. For some of these things, I just need to bite the bullet, spend the money (as much as it kills me) and call the expert. I won’t do well if I’m in traction.
Yowza – I can’t wait until this is over!
At some point it’s so much cheaper, in the long run, just to hire someone. We are at the age where we are hiring more and more people to do jobs we used to do.
Right? If I fall off the ladder, I don’t get workman’s comp. We don’t need both of us on disability. I’ll limit my “work” to cleaning out closets in the comfort of the a/c.