I’m at work, but needed to look at my home email inbox for a particular message – and happened to see a notice from Amazon that I had been charged $2.99 for “How the Universe Works,” an A&E documentary series.
Hmmm . . .
I can assure you, I haven’t been watching “How the Universe Works,” but I have a sneaking suspicion I know who has. I started to have a fit, cancel the purchase and let M know that we didn’t need to spend money like that.
But then I thought about it. He LOVES this show. I mean, really loves it.
Is it going to break the bank if he pays to watch it? Is it?
Now, I’m going to keep an eye on the Amazon account and make sure that’s the ONLY thing he’s buying . . . but I think we can stretch the budget to that.

Yesterday, I asked M to remove the baseboard heaters from the rooms on the lower level of our house. We’ve lived in this house 22 years and, in that whole time, we’ve never used those heaters once. We disconnected them from the breakers and they don’t work. They just collect dust. So let’s get rid of them.
When I got home, I asked him how his day had gone, and he said “not good.”
Uh oh.
I went with him downstairs to see the problem . . . he spent the day trying to connect the electrical system of the baseboard heaters to the house electrical to get them working. Even though I wrote down “remove baseboard heaters.”
When I explained (again) that we wanted to take the heaters OUT, he jumped right on it. But really didn’t have much more success with that, either. Long story, but we decided that this project might need more help than the two of us could provide. Our younger son will be here tomorrow and we’ll have more visitors coming into town in the next few weeks. Surely, between all of us, we can get this done.
I refuse to be beaten by a couple of 1970s heaters.
I’m thankful you didn’t cancel his purchase. Most of us have worked hard for many years , and small pleasures can mean a lot especially when one is ill . Glad your son will help you with the heaters . Our house needs so much work , but physical health has stopped “ that list .” No children and medical bills are swallowing up savings but we have so much to be thankful for. Our roof is repaired , food in the cabinets , and “shoes on our feet !” I wish we could call our home “ vintage “ to make it sound cute but it’s too far gone …. lol . But sincerely thankful to God we have a home . Have a good week!
Sometimes it’s hard to remember to be grateful for those “little things” when the big things seem so big. I wouldn’t even notice those heaters if it weren’t for selling the house. Yes – “How the Universe Works” will make him happy! 🙂