How often in life do I watch things unfold – events, conversations . . . you name it – and I’m constantly amazed at the way they usually turn out they way they need to. Even if I didn’t see ANY way that it could possibly happen.
Our younger son (YS) came into town late Wednesday in anticipation of his ACL repair surgery on Monday. He’s known that we needed to address the issue of his father driving and agreed that M needed to stop driving. The problem was his older brother.
Our older son (OS) has been fighting against taking the car away from his dad. There’s a part of me that understands his point of view – he’s trying to treat his dad with respect and knows how he, himself, would feel if his car were taken away.
But this week, as M was helping OS with their yard cutting, he finally began to see that his dad doesn’t need to be behind the wheel of a car. Evidently, M had a hard time remembering which direction he should go in to cut the grass and kept asking OS about it. That made OS see that the same thing could happen, very easily, with his dad behind the wheel of a car.
YS was talking with his dad and me Saturday and said something about “when I buy that car from you . . . ” in reference to his dad’s car. M looked at him and said, “What are you talking about?” Even though I was shooting daggers at YS with my eyes to SHUT UP, he kept on talking about how he was ready to “take it off our hands.”
M was NOT HAPPY – as you can imagine. He didn’t say anything about us plotting against him, but he did let us know that he was NOT getting rid of his car.
But then, something really interesting happened. A few hours later, M mentioned to me that it might be a good idea to let YS buy his car.
I didn’t want to start the happy dance right then, so I tried to talk calmly about it with him. I agreed that it might be a good idea, but he needed to remember that if we do sell it, we won’t be in a position to replace it any time soon. The next car we’re going to buy will be a new one for me – and that probably won’t be until after the first of the year.
Of course, I have no intention of replacing his car – once it’s gone, that’s it. But I can’t believe YS planted the seed and it took root THAT QUICKLY!
Prayers are working!
Answered prayers for sure! Sending ((hugs))!!
That was easy.
Live and lots of hugs to you all!
Wow! I am so glad it worked out that way for you. You have some great boys.
And thank you so much for keeping up this blog. I am learning so much about dealing with dementia, early onset or not.
(I’m a book of June-r, in case you don’t recognize my name.)
That’s certainly an answer to prayers. Jump on the opportunity.