What a week! And it’s only Wednesday.
Our younger son (YS) had his ACL repair surgery on Monday. We had to be in Charlotte, which is about 1.5 hours away at 5:30 am, which meant getting up around 3:45 am. Ugh. I can get up and start the day pretty early, but that was ENTIRELY too early, even for me.
He was taken into the surgery center right away, but I had to wait until nearly 11:30 for him to be ready to go. I was amazed at the number of babies and little ones that came in for surgery while I was there. I guess they were getting things like tubes in their ears. Given the number of ear infections I’ve had over the years (even as an adult,) I ought to look into that.
YS has done really well since he’s gotten home. He’s already starting rehab today and has a pain pump that will come out over the weekend. This is his second ACL surgery – his first was 12 years ago – and the difference in 12 years has really been incredible. I guess everything progresses.
By being at home, YS is also seeing his dad on a 24/7 basis. He told me last night that his dad is constantly snacking, all day long. I’m not surprised – I know how many of M’s clothes we had to donate when we went through his closet (because they were too small) – but I think it came as a surprise to YS. His dad has never been much of a big eater, but now I think he’s eating out of boredom.
If it weren’t so hot, I would suggest that M start walking the dogs during the day, but it’s back in the 90s again. It was in the low 80s last week, and I was hoping it was going to stay that way. No such luck. Boo!
And some news on the job front – a medical group in another state has stepped up to buy our hospital system and keep us operating in our area. They are experts in running and operating rural health care systems – which is what we are – and making them profitable – which is what we need. We’ve been told that we’ll all continue to be employed and that all the services we have now will be retained. There’s a part of me that’s jumping up and down, but there’s also a part that feels like I’ve had the rug pulled out from under me so many times before, I’m hesitant to get too excited. I’m still in the market for a new (to me) car, but I think I’ll wait six months, or so, and see how this all plays out first.
Color me happy, but cautious.
Color you 24 carat Gold!