A dear aunt sent me a link over the weekend to some information about a new drug that’s being tested for the treatment of dementia – particularly early-onset dementia. It’s called Aducanumab (WHERE do they come up with these names?!?!) Continue reading “When a (Clinical) Trial is the Answer”
Birthday Wishes and Caviar Dreams
Fortunately, I remembered this morning that today is the day M has to go back to the dentist for a crown. Ugh. As though we need to spend more money. Continue reading “Birthday Wishes and Caviar Dreams”
Short and Sweet
I’ve run out of time today – I actually had work to do . . . at work. Imagine that! Continue reading “Short and Sweet”
Best Foot Forward
I had a pretty good day yesterday. The health system I work for has been under bankruptcy protection since early March and has been looking for a larger organization to take over operations in our service area for several years. Even with all the uncertainty in health care at the moment, things seem to be going well right now and our leadership team seems positive about the future. That hasn’t always been the case. Continue reading “Best Foot Forward”
Behind Door Number One . . .
Another hot weekend. Ugh. It’s a shame, but every time I walk out the door, it’s so hot that I just turn around and walk back inside to the a/c. I know I haven’t always had a/c in my life (or in my house), but I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without it. Continue reading “Behind Door Number One . . .”