Why Am I Working This Hard?

Every Monday is starting to look the same – I have to come to work to recover from the weekend!

And, believe me, I’m not trying to recover from all the “fun” we had. Ha! I wish we had been having some sort of fun or good time.

No – this was work, work, work. Again.

The good news is, now that we’ve cleaned up M’s tools and work bench, I was able to find all the tools and supplies I needed without a lot of searching and fumbling in the over-heated garage, so THAT was a blessing.

The bad news was, I finally got a real look at how badly the back yard is over-grown and how truly out of hand it has gotten. It’s not as though I don’t look at the back yard – if I don’t actually go outside, I at least look out the window every day.

But I haven’t really paid attention to the perimeter of the yard. And that’s where ivy and other vines have crept in and taken over. And I mean TAKEN OVER!

M and I had our hands in some areas on Saturday that really looked like there was bound to be a nest of snakes in there – somewhere. How we managed to work through the entire day without seeing a single snake was a gift from God – truly!

Yesterday was painting day . . . I got two outside doors painted, along with some trim and a fireplace grate. The bad news there was – when it was time to put the locks back on the doors, I couldn’t get the deadbolt back on one of the doors. It was about 9:30 last night, after we had worked hard for two days and my nerves were frayed already.

We worked on it for about an hour and finally, I gave up. I was able to get the doorknob on the door, so we could close and lock it with that. I’ll Google it and then try the deadbolt again tonight.

And then, I can add something else to my resume!

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